You can easily Remove ‘Uncategorized’ as the Default Category for WordPress Posts, without using Codes, from the settings.
WordPress provides you an option to Set a category as default by editing the code in the editor. Editing those codes in the editor is not possible for the beginners who just started with WordPress.
Consider, you’ve written a beautiful post and are about to post it but that ‘Uncategorized’ label disrupts the smooth process and you don’t know what the code thing is, so here’s this post on how to neatly put up a default label for your posts.
Default category is required in case you forget to mention a category for your later posts. Suppose, you published a post without applying an appropriate category. Then you will notice a category named ‘Uncategorized’ will automatically appear for that particular post.
If you’ve ever tried to remove the default category before, then you would have noticed that no option is available to delete the ‘Uncategorized’ from the Categories menu directly.
To remove the ‘Uncategorized’ as the Default Category follow the simple steps below:
Firstly, You need to have another category in order to change the default category. If you don’t have any other suitable category then go to Posts > Categories from the left sidebar to create a new category yourself.
In your WordPress admin dashboard go to the Settings > Writing from the left sidebar.
Choose a Default Post Category for your posts you like. then save the changes.
How to delete ‘Uncategorized’ category?
After changing the default category from the Settings > Writing menu, go to Posts > Categories.
Go to the ‘Uncategorized’ category. Then select Delete to delete that category.
In case you want to delete more that one category at a time. Select all the categories which you want to delete, then from the Bulk Actions dropdown, Select Delete, then click on apply.
Selected categories will now to be deleted.
In case, you need any help feel free to ask in the comment section below.